How can I make a donation?

You can make your donation online from your bank account via PayPal. In all cases, you are supporting poor children and families in need. We use your donation carefully to alleviate suffering in the world.


ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. is recognized as a non-profit organization. For you this means that all donations are tax deductible. At the beginning of each year, you will automatically receive a donation receipt for the tax office.

We also bear the DZI donation seal. The responsible handling of donations has been certified by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) without interruption since 2005. The seal is awarded annually after a thorough examination of the respective organization.

Online donation

It only takes a few clicks to support our work with your online donation. It's quick, easy and secure. Your data is of course protected and will not be passed on to third parties under any circumstances. Read more about this in our privacy policy.

Donate via PayPal

You can also comfortably donate to us via Paypal. When doing so please use the following email address:


Please enter in the subject line the desired donation amount,

your first and last name, and your address, so that we can send you a donation receipt.


Thank you very much for your support for the children in this world.

©  2025 by ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

Change children's lives!

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