How are the sponsored children selected?

Every sponsored child needs help and support

The need of the individual determines who is accepted into the sponsorship program. The greater the need, the more urgent the admission to the program and the more urgent the search for an ora sponsor.


If a child from Kenya is severely malnourished or its mother is sick, the registration happens very quickly. This is also true in cases of loneliness due to the parents working abroad or the child being given to a children's home. In these situations we try to find a remedy quickly.


Naturally, we always try to include as many children as possible in the program and most of the time we succeed in doing so over time. Since we work exclusively in local and regional contexts, we are able to gradually register all children who need it and include them in the sponsorship program.

All children and parents are part of our projects

With the decision of the parents to register their child or children as ora sponsored children, they simultaneously make the decision to become part of our project work.


The participation of the parents in our seminars and trainings is obligatory. This is to strengthen the role model effect: Not only the child gets up in the morning to go to school, but also the parents go to "work". Usually this means going to our agricultural project, to a tailoring class, to the bakery or to the barn to take care of the goat, pig, or cow. Our projects take place exclusively where the sponsored children and their families live.


Since we work in manageable contexts and our local project partners are constantly on site, it is guaranteed that the help will benefit those who are willing to participate. Our local project partners, whom we have known for a long time and whom we trust, know the families and children from the village and ensure that a good development of the projects - with the participation of all involved - takes place.

©  2025 by ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

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