Sierra LeoneSierra Leone

Need has many faces. So does support.

Illness, unemployment, lack of opportunities, disadvantage, war, or natural disasters - many situations leave people in poverty and misery. They need help from outside.


Need has many faces. Faces of people, each of whom is different, each of whom had dreams and hopes. People who are just as loved by God as we are.


We want to stand by them, alleviate their need and give them new hope. We want to give children and families new perspectives and strengthen them so that they can take their lives into their own hands. We initiate this through our projects. We enable positive developments and drive them forward.


Our aim is always to change children's lives for the better. This includes the children's siblings and parents as well as the entire village community.

Many things are needed so that children and their families can overcome hardship and poverty: Education, nutrition, health, and protection and care.

We want to meet the needs of the children holistically. They should experience love and security, which is why we also focus our help on the family and the children's environment. All this is part of our projects, which help in local contexts where large aid organizations usually cannot reach.

In addition, we are active in disaster relief. We provide fast and direct help when people suddenly find themselves in need. With humanitarian aid, we stand by the victims and provide food, hygiene articles, blankets and other materials needed in such a disaster at short notice.


Just as people and their needs are unique, so are our projects. We help regardless of religion, ethnicity, or gender.


We change children's lives. Help us to do so!

©  2025 by ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

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