Where does my donation go?

Status 2020
Status 2020

Your donation goes where it is needed. 
More than 80 % of all donations go to ora projects.To be precise, 82.25% (status 2020) are used in our partner countries. The ora sponsored children, their families, income-generating activities, the development of local infrastructure and people in need benefit from the donations.

We use only 6.70% of all donations for administrative costs and 12.09% for advertising and public relations.

As a small non-profit organization, we feel a special responsibility to our donors. They give us their hard-earned money so that we can do something good with it. We try to live up to this commitment at all times. We handle donations carefully, consider exactly how much money we spend on what, and try to operate in an appropriate and balanced manner.


Substantial work is very important to us. We pay attention to sensible planning in our project work, do not waste funds on short-term solutions and attach importance to organic and well-founded development of our projects.


The ora sponsored children and their families must of course be provided with all the necessities of life. But there, too, we take care to design processes in such a way that money is not wasted unnecessarily. The same applies to our administration. We deliberately keep the so-called "water head" small. We keep administrative and fundraising costs to a minimum, but in each case in such a way that our employees can also live well and feed their families.

Certified Public Accountant Seal
Certified Public Accountant Seal

We handle donations responsibly and carefully. This is also confirmed by the tax office, the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) and the auditor who checks our balance sheets.

DZI donation seal
DZI donation seal

We have carried the DZI donation seal without interruption since 2005. After a thorough examination, it is awarded annually to those organizations that meet the numerous criteria for handling donations set by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI).

©  2025 by ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

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