How can I become a sponsor?

Every ora sponsor changes the life of a child for the better. With your sponsorship you may not change the whole world, but the whole world of a child!

Take over a sponsorship as an individual or as a group


You can take over an ora sponsorship as an individual, as a family or as a group. As a group, you can easily share a sponsorship, and also the fees for it. This type of sponsorship is especially suitable for Bible study groups, youth groups, school classes or clubs. We need the address of the main sponsor, to which we can send the mail and the donation receipts. Please feel free to let us know what suits you best. We will be happy to adapt to what you prefer!

There are two different ways to become a sponsor and thus support a child and its family regularly and permanently.

1st option: Conclude an online sponsorship


You can find our sponsor children directly on our website. If you decide to sponsor one of these children, you can do so online. Just follow the steps of our sponsorship form and enter your personal data.


You will receive a welcome package


As soon as we have received your data, we will send you your "welcome package" digital. It contains your personal sponsorship certificate, more information about your sponsor child and its family and the project we run in Kenya.

2nd option: Request an information package


If you would like to think about becoming an ora sponsor, we will send you a detailed information package via email. This contains a concrete proposal for a specific child. You will get to know the child whose sponsor you can become. You will also find more information about our work and our sponsorship program.


Data for your personal info package


In order for us to send you the information package, we need your name and email address. You can submit both online via our sponsorship form. Afterwards you will receive your personal information package by mail.


In order for us to send you the information package, we need your name and address. You can enter both online in our sponsorship form. Afterwards you will receive your personal information package via mail. If you have decided to become an ora sponsor, please complete and return the consent form included in the information package.

As an ora sponsor, with 40 USD/month you help a child permanently to a better future. You give hope and real prospects for a life without poverty.

©  2025 by ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

Change children's lives!

Become a sponsor!