Sponsorships with ora Kinderhilfe

1. What is a sponsorship?

A sponsorship is the most personal form of development aid. Sponsors take direct responsibility for a child or young person and thus build up a personal relationship. For the sponsored child, this means first and foremost a noticeable improvement in his or her quality of life.

2. Who can take over a sponsorship?

Both, individuals and groups, such as communities, sports clubs or school classes can take over a sponsorship. Companies and enterprises can also take over a sponsorship. In the case of a group sponsorship, we ask you to name a fixed contact person. This facilitates communication and payment transactions.

3. How can I take over a sponsorship?

Now you are only one click away from taking over a sponsorship. Online you will always see a child for whom we are currently looking for a sponsor. You can take over a sponsorship for this child immediately via the online form. After you have entered your data, we will send you your sponsorship certificate and further information.


Furthermore, you have the possibility to receive a non-binding sponsorship proposal. You fill out this proposal within four weeks and send it back to ora Kinderhilfe by mail or fax. You will then immediately receive your sponsorship certificate and further information about your sponsorship.

4. Does the sponsorship imply a legal obligation?

No, you do not enter into any legal obligations. Your sponsorship can be terminated at any time and without giving reasons.

5. How much is the sponsorship fee?

The sponsorship fee is 40 USD per month or 480 USD yearly. This amount ensures the basic provision for your sponsored child and at the same time supports the people in its environment and the region.

6. What is the sponsorship contribution used for?

With the monthly sponsorship contribution of 40 USD, the child is provided with the basic necessities of life. It receives sufficient food, clothing and school materials. Medical care is also provided.


Only the smallest part of the sponsorship contribution is used for administration and information. We use a maximum of 20 percent of the sum for the maintenance of the offices in Germany and in the project country as well as for the information of the sponsors and the acquisition of new sponsors.

7. How are the sponsorship contributions paid?

Sponsorship contributions can be paid via PayPal from your bank account. When paying by standing order, it is important to indicate your sponsorship number as the reason for payment.

8. Is it possible to contact you by letter?

Yes, letter contact is possible in any case. We will gladly forward your mail to the children through our project partners.


Please do not assume, however, that your mail will be processed as quickly as you are used to. In our experience, there are always delays for various reasons. Either the villages where the children live with their families do not have a postal address or the children cannot reply to the letters on their own to thank you. Please understand that your sponsored children do not always have the possibility to answer promptly due to their living conditions.


Please contact the sponsorship team with any questions.

9. Why does ora Kinderhilfe not pass on addresses?

Together with the ora sponsors we change children's lives for the better. We want them to be able to participate in the lives of the children. But a sense of proportion is required. Contact must not get out of hand - neither in one direction nor in the other. Too many letters can overwhelm both sponsored children and sponsors. And last but not least, child protection is the top priority. For these reasons, we will not pass on the addresses of the sponsored children or the addresses of the sponsors at any time. Please understand this. Just let all communication with your sponsored child go through our office.

10. Are visits to the sponsored child possible?

A visit to your sponsored child is possible in consultation with us. We ask you to announce your trip to Kenya in time. We can then provide you with information about the country and the respective cultural customs and arrange a meeting with our project partners. Since a visit from the USA is an absolute rarity in the families, we inform the family of the child about your visit in advance.


Conversely, a visit of the child to the ora sponsors is not possible.

11. Are special payments possible?

Yes, these are possible at any time. When using them, we take into account the specifics of the country in which your sponsored child lives. In this way, we ensure that your donation is used as effectively as possible for the benefit of the child.


Please transfer special donations to the sponsorship account, indicating the sponsorship number and the purpose "special donation".


From your bank account via PayPal: donation@ora-international.org

Purpose: "Special donation" + sponsorship number

12. Can I send packages to my godchild?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send a package to your godchild.

13. Can I support your work beyond my sponsorship?

We would be very happy if you do so. There are many ways to support us. You can advertise for us in your environment and help us to win more sponsors or donors. Because it is quite clear: the more sponsored children we can find sponsors for in one place, the more effectively we can use the contributions for the benefit of the children. Maybe your friends and acquaintances are interested in a personal form of development aid.


Or how about using your next birthday party to collect donations for us? Instead of giving yourself expensive gifts, you could do something good for children in our projects in the long term.There are also creative ways to support us. Maybe there is something for you!

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Do you have any further questions?

Or write us an e-mail: office@ora-international.org

©  2025 by ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

Change children's lives!

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